Benefice Diary
Please email details of your forthcoming church-related events to:
Social events in the churches of our Benefice
Services appear on the Services page as usual.
Some events have more details on the events page
Saturday 14 September - NHCT Ride & Stride, all churches
Sunday 15 September - Harvest Thanksgiving, Brafield
Friday 20 September - Harvest Supper, Brafield
Sunday 22 September - Harvest Festival , Cogenhoe
Friday 27 September - Harvest Supper, Cogenhoe, at the Sports and Social Club
Sunday 6 October - Harvest Festival , Little Houghton
Friday 11 October - Harvest Supper, Little Houghton in the Village Hall
Sunday 13 October - Harvest Puppet Praise, Great Houghton
Saturday 19 October - Concert by Sheppard Singers, Cogenhoe
Saturday 7 December - Christmas Fair, Cogenhoe
Saturday 14 December - Christmas Tree Festival & Bazaar, Brafield
Tuesday 4 March - Shrove Tuesday Supper, Cogenhoe
Saturday 10 May - Northampton Concert Band, Cogenhoe
Sunday 22 June - Open Gardens, Cogenhoe
Saturday 28 June - Summer Fete, Cogenhoe
Friday September – Harvest Supper, Cogenhoe
Saturday 6 December – Christmas Fair, Cogenhoe